Trust, Friendship and so much more...
I was brand new to creative and collaborative community dance for older adults a few years ago. It took me a while to let go of preconceived ideas about counting beats and first requiring music to move. However under the amazing guidance of Desirée, I became comfortable in listening to my inner self and in sharing my dance movements with others.
Beyond this re-found joy of dance, great trust and wonderful friendships with other dancers have emerged. As well, I am in awe about the trust and generosity shown by Desirée. Dance steps and sequences are not learned by “tell, show, do”. Rather, steps and sequences are created by individuals...then integrated by a collaborative process with other dancers.
We community dancers are genuinely made to feel that we are trusted in this collaborative process with the professional and apprentice dancers...and that we are not just “background”. Rather, we are made to feel appreciated and truly integrated with the dance company...which is such an honour and so very satisfying!
Photo: David Cooper